A busy month to be sure! Keenan turned 10, so now there is no one in this house in single digits unless you count the kitties! We had a big party for Keenan with some of his classmates. There was lots of sword fighting, eating blue cake and pizza, and NOISE!!!!! We had a group stay over night and it actually went pretty well for that many boys, they were pretty much asleep by 11:00, which was a good thing considering we were woke up with one of the boys having an asthma attack at 5:00!

Conner is doing great with school. It is his goal to go to grandma and grandpa Lerwick's for calving the first weekend of May and stay until Antioch time. We have told him he can if he is finished with school by then. It actually looks like he will be finished by the middle of April....oops, guess we will have to fill in some blanks! Actually, he did finish up math so he has the 8th grade math course arriving today and will be working on that when he finishes everything else up.
My boys love to be goofy! I told them to use some elbow grease to clean off the table. So here they go!

We were lucky and had some special visitors this month! Uncle Grant and Aunt Kelley came with their kids and then Uncle Dean and Aunt Jen and their kids came too! We LOVE having company!

I am working more again. Sometimes it just takes a leap of faith to get out of a bad situation (the old job that didn't actually want to pay me for work) and know that better things await. Now I have more time to focus on family and home and the work that I do have is gradually and steadily picking up to where I will be about 3/4 of full time,which is just perfect. The old job had me at about 1 1/2 of full time! It was getting to be too much and I am glad that I jumped when I did.
We are getting more and more settled in the new house...now if we could just get the garage cleaned out so Kevin could park in there all would be well!