Friday, January 8, 2010

Art Contest

Conner spent a lot of his winter break working busily on his art contest entry. Today was the deadline, and after fighting with printers/scanners/computers FINALLY got the artwork submitted. is his art competition entry. And coming soon we will have his sampler for school project. He is studying American Art and the point he is at right now is early 1800s and he gets to make a sampler.


  1. That's great! I sure enjoy checking in with you here!

  2. Hi Carvers,
    I enjoyed looking again at the blog.


  3. Hi there, Christa Carver,
    I have met you at Antioch, I am Maxine Jelineks sister. Found your blog through Laura's today.
    We are homeschoolers too, and always enjoy seeing/reading what others' experiences are. It is an interesting journey isn't it?!
    I clicked the 'follow' up here, so hope that is okay!
    Look forward to Antioch this year, we missed it last year....having a new grandbaby that Wednesday morning on the other end of the state!
