Dad took the kids to the waterfalls, their favorite place to hike and play, to give mom a bit of a break one day.
And Keenan said that "nature was a great place to practice yoga"!
My kids proving that even big kids can have fun with Lincoln logs! Actually I told them that they had to get away from their computers and do something creative...and there was much laughing going on downstairs. When I went down there, this is what I found, with the question "Is this creative?"
Keenan wanted to learn to make meatloaf, then decided it was gross!
But he ate it anyway!
Then the school supplies arrived! They were both excited on that day...because now they are both home schooled!
Then back to Nebraska for a little break before school starts!
Cousin H had her first birthday...
Conner was educating cousin H about the gameboy..because all boys need to know how to operate one of those!
The kids found a big caterpillar and saw it make a cocoon. Apparently it was big enough that it made Uncle G nervous when he put it in the jar!
Grandpa got a new grain cart and the size was impressive to these city kids!
And then there was harvest!
We stayed long enough to pick lots of currants for jam and help can lots of peaches and pears, go swimming at the pool in Scottsbluff, see lots of friends but not for long enough! And then we had to head back home! Almost time for school to start!
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