As you can see, sleep deprivation worked! He fell asleep before she even got all the leads attached and she had wake him up to do the "awake" portion of the test.
After the EEG we waited and waited to see the doctor and when he finally came it I didn't have a good feeling since it had taken him so long to read the EEG.
He asked if we wanted to easy part of the hard part first.
Easy part: He appears to have no sequelae from his head injury and is free to have a gradual return to activity as his body allows! YAY, that is the FREEDOM part! He can go out for recess at school, eat in the cafeteria with his friends, hang out outside the door with his classmates, even go to PE class when they are not using basketballs. That is the happy and easy part.
Hard part: He "performed really well" for them on the EEG. His EEG is grossly abnormal with lots of activity. We don't know at this point what the activity is from. It could be post traumatic or it could be something to do with the family history and he is developing a seizure disorder, or maybe it is a non seizure anomaly. There is no real way of knowing, but what he is describing and from what they see on the EEG it appears that he is having simple partial seizures (a seizure where he is aware that something is going on, but would be unable to vocalize it until it is over). The other kinds of seizures are unconscious seizures, where the person would not be aware that there was anything going on, just lost time. K describes this event as "A feeling like a static balloon on my hair but inside my head on my brain. When it happens my ears and eyes are fuzzy and I cannot move my arms or legs". This fits with the simple partial seizure. On a positive note though, no one has noticed any behavior that would indicate any other kinds of seizures. No tonic/clonic motions, no head nods, no drops, no flutters or staring spells. At this point we are "waiting and seeing" what will transpire. He just has to be careful, but most of the "be careful" precautions we were given are already in place because apparently I must be a bit paranoid!
Anyway, that was our exciting day and now I need some sleep pretty badly after that day!
Tomorrow is another day and I am reminded of something Grandpa Lerwick used to say a lot...
"This too shall pass (and we will wonder where the time went)."