His start to school is definitely a little different this year as we have to take all kinds of precautions with his head. And those of you who know a little about K know that his head is not usually very well protected as he goes into everything he does HEADFIRST!!
The reason for this is his unfortunate crash on a 4-wheeler on the 21st of July while we were up in Nebraska for wheat harvest. That ended up in a 2 day stay at the hospital that scared the daylights out of mom, dad, grandmas and grandpas and lots of aunts and uncles and cousins. Fortunately he came out alright with "just" and skull fracture and bleeding on the brain to show for the experience...and lots of warnings about not rough housing, breaking a sweat or being anywhere he might get knocked down or injured on his head at least until follow-up with the neurosurgeon on the 31st of August!

This is a picture of K from the first night in the hospital, in ICU, when they finally gave him some medicine that took away the headache and he fell asleep.
So school started with a list of rules as long as your arm but the school and teachers are all being great to help him protect his head...since he doesn't protect his own! At least he doesn't have to wear a helmet like the other kiddo in his school who had a head injury this summer!
He is off to a great start and loving 4th grade. He thinks his teacher "rocks" and he enjoys being with his friends again. Fortunately, he has been with pretty much the same group of kids since Kindergarten, almost like our little country school I grew up with, so they all know each other pretty well and have learned how to get along.
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