In my house, we have a whole weekend ahead of us with no homework for the kids! Wonder what we will do this weekend? I believe home made ice cream is on the agenda with the old fashioned crank ice cream mixer.
We are going to spend a little time going on a "gentle" hike so we can get out of the house without overtaxing K! We all want to do the incline again but guess we need clearance from the neurosurgeon before we do that.
Looking forward to days off!!!!
And just so they don't feel left out...introducing our kitties. Ginger is from Uncle G and Aunt K's house and she is not quite a year old. She is very feisty and the kids have so much fun with her.
Dexter is a "fancy cat" purebred that we got from a neighbor who had an oopsie batch of kitties before the female got fixed. He can be quite snooty and fancy but he is also very fun to watch.
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