Around here Thursday means a top speed day always! (Notice I didn't say busy, trying to avoid that word! We are blessed to have lots of things we can do!) We have a heavy load of classes for both boys and Conner has piano lessons Thursday afternoon and my Thursdays have a heavy work load.
Thursday morning Conner made breakfast because I was working and hadn't broken away to make it yet! Good kid! He made scrambled eggs and bacon and heated up English muffins.
Thursday lunch was grilled cheese sandwiches, baked Lays chips and Apples. Simple and light but the boys don't mind that lunch once in a while. I add some turkey or ham to the sandwiches before gilling them.
When we left for piano lessons Keenan got the potatoes ready for mashed potatoes and rinsed and drained the sauerkraut. He did a great job and got the potatoes cooked without even boiling them over! He is doing better than his mom since I learned from my mom that in order to make good mashed potatoes you MUST turn them on high and walk away until you hear them boiling over and then you have to run into the kitchen saying "Oh, Oh, Oh!!!" and grab them off the burner until they stop boiling over and then turn them down to low! :) Tradition is what it is!
To put dinner together all I did was mash the potatoes with some chicken broth as the liquid. Then we make pork and kraut with gravy. This is another use of the leftover pork shoulder.

Pork and Kraut over Potatoes
2 cups of cooked leftover pork shoulder
3 cups of sauerkraut from a can, rinsed and drained
1tsp Greek seasoning or seasoning of your choice
Cook over medium heat until the moisture is gone and the Sauerkraut starts to brown a bit. Serve over mashed potatoes and top with simple chicken gravy. (My gravy was just chicken broth with a bit of cornstarch added to thicken it).
There was enough left over for at least one person to have that for a leftover meal later, so there was just about enough for 5 people here.
One other thing that I did Thursday night was make the Pico sauce for Friday. We all love Pico but it is one of the most time intensive food products that I make. So I chopped the tomatoes, jalapenos, cilantro and onion and added kosher salt to it all and put it in the fridge so it would be ready to use for breakfast Friday. I don't really have a recipe for this and how hot it is just depends on how much membrane you leave in the your peppers and how hot they were to begin with!
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