Thursday, December 8, 2011


This always seems like a hectic day for us! We seem to rush all day and then supper time sneaks up on us before we know it and we have to be out the door to meeting by 6:40. Because of this tendency I always have leftovers for supper on Wednesday. In the past though, we have been scrounging around trying to find some leftovers for supper but today we had enough for 2 different meals of leftovers.

For breakfast I made scrambled eggs and biscuits. The biscuits take a bit of time but not too bad. I am not a biscuit recipe kind of person so I just dump and mix and sometimes they are great, other times not so much! I always make a bigger batch that I need and then cut them all out but only bake enough for the one meal. The rest go on a sheet in the freezer until they are hard and then into a bag so we can pull out frozen biscuits, pop them on a baking sheet and have hot biscuits that are much better than the canned kind!

For a quick lunch I microwaved a couple chicken sausages from the freezer (we get them at Costco) and the boys had those with the leftover baked beans (which were still not a favorite)! Conner told me he likes the kind grandma makes know, open a can of generic pork and beans and add ketchup, mustard, Worcestershire sauce and brown sugar? Yeah, that is what we will do in the future for Baked beans I guess! Mom and dad had the leftover orange pork and sweet potatoes from Saturday with a green salad.

For supper it was leftover soup. We still had beef stew and the Chicken Taco soup. After supper I put the rest of the leftover soup in smaller containers for the freezer since we have had each of them for a couple different meals and I don't want people getting sick of them. We can pull those out for lunches as time goes on.

Total time spent in the kitchen on Wednesday - about 40 minutes the whole day. The kids do most of the dishes and have for quite some time but yesterday we were getting snowed under so mom took a turn cleaning up the kitchen for a while.

It was much warmer here yesterday and I did get outside for a run but it was still pretty cold! It is always so beautiful though when there is snow on the mountain and snow on the foothills! I love living so close to such beauty.

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